Nidderdale Show is the last agricultural show in the season, held the third Monday of every September and a big deal around here. Local children get the day off school, and those old enough to have to pay get free tickets. They also enter their drawings, paintings and decorated eggs to win prizes. They are almost as excited to win these as the breeders who win best of breed and best in show.
Held on the showground in Pateley Bridge, this family day out has everything you would expect: sheepdog trials; machinery sales, great food. It also has a few surprises up its sleeve, like the llamas shown alongside the sheep and the donkeys (google Nidderdale Llama Treks and you might see why) Then there are the acrobatic motorcyclists taking their lives in the hands as they fly between giant ramps set up in the middle of the field. We got a photo of the llamas, after a fashion. I was too busy having my heart in my mouth to film the bikers.