“May it be your fate to live in interesting times,” is an old Chinese curse. When the county freezes for an entire week whilst icons of Hollywood burn, it is easy to be unsettled.
But, watching the ice particles dance in the sunlight and the windswept snot framed by frozen trees, the resilience of life is impressive.
The sheep in the field continue to find space for grazing and shelter from the oak tree. The holly glows with a defiant green against the glittering white. Birds flutter against the sharp blue of the sky. Taking time to watch them calms the soul.
“This too shall pass,” they seem to say. “All we have is this moment… so embrace it.”
This year we will be welcoming back some old friends who have been sharing this spot with us for many years. Most of them come from late spring to early autumn, when the colours turn from delicate pinks to rich golds, copper and red. They come for the new lambs, then the hay meadows and the harvests, the country shows and the town festivals.
They miss this quiet time, when the paths are not as easy and the roads can be difficult to travel. That’s why we thought it would be good to share this with everyone. Happy January!